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Bainbridge Roller Hockey League Mission

“Bainbridge Roller Hockey League encourages spirited competition, teamwork, good sportsmanship, and fun on and off the rink. We strive for a mix of age, gender and ability in every division. Our community embraces the physical challenge, encourages leadership and values fair play for all.”

Registration Now Open for the 2025!

Registration is now open for the 2025 season!!!

You can access the registration link on the right side of this page or by follow this link directly.

We have a self-service discounted registration.  If it makes a difference for your family's participation, please feel welcome to choose the discounted registration.  No questions asked.  Full scholarships are also available, for those, please contact the league at

I'm Thinking about Joining, What Should I Know?

  1. All practices and games are at Battle Point Park
  2. We have a gear swap (see the calendar) to make it easier for new players to get the gear they need.
  3. Our league emphasizes participation, sportsmanship, and fun.

New Skaters Welcome!

The BRHL welcomes new skaters!  Every season we have new skaters from elementary school to high school.  Even skaters who are just beginning are getting into the action within weeks.

We're here to make roller hockey accessible:

  • All games and practices at Battle Point Park
  • We host a gear swap to outfit players with as much free gear as possible.
  • Our league emphasizes participation and good sportsmanship.  We are here for the kids to have a great experience.

"When are Practices and Games?"

All games and practices are held at the Battle Point Park rink.  Teams practice on a Monday-Wednesday or Tuesday-Thursday schedule.

The practice times are:

Division 1 - 5:30PM

Division 2 - 6:30PM

Division 3 - 7:30PM


(This is old 2024 content, new dates will be posted in February)

We’re looking forward to Evaluation Day on Tuesday, April 16th. All league players in D1 and D2 must participate in the evaluation. This is an easy 20-minute skate that allows us to create teams with evenly distributed levels of ability. Please check the schedule below to determine your skate time.

Players must wear full game-ready gear for evaluations, including mouth guard. Please arrive at the rink 30 minutes prior to your skate time to allow time to gear up.


Division 1 (7-10 year olds) 5:30PM

Division 2 (11-13 year olds) 6:30PM

Please arrive with all required gear, listed below, contained in a single hockey (duffel) bag. If you haven’t gathered all the gear yet, today is the day.  If you have any questions or need a make-up time, please email

Zoom Info Night - Tuesday, April 9th

(This is old 2024 content, new dates will be posted in February)

We will have an information night for parents, held over Zoom, at 7:30PM.  New families are encouraged to attend, but it is not mandatory.   The information will be familiar to returning families, so they should feel free to skip.

Don’t worry, if you can’t make it, you can access the slides here: [SLIDES]

Below is the information for joining the meeting.  You can access it through any browser.

To join the video meeting, click this link:

Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 470-236-6458 and enter this PIN: 632 081 705#

To view more phone numbers, click this link:


Gear Swap - Tuesday, March 26th

(This is a post from 2024, it will be updated shortly)
(If you couldn't make the Gear Swap, email, we will do our best to get you equipped)
Gear Swap is this Tuesday, March 26th at the rink at 7PM.  Fortunately, the forecast shows no rain!
At the gear swap, there will be marked areas for each type of gear.  You are welcome to look through and find what you need.  If you cannot find skates, gloves, or a girdle, we will have tables with new gear that you can try on to find the right size.  We received a donation that will enable us to purchase some gear for the gear swap.  We will have a sheet to take down what sizes people need and we will stretch the budget as far as we can.

2024 League Registration

(This is old 2024 content, a new link will be posted soon)

League registration is now open!

You can access registration at this link:

For 2024, we have added a self-service discounted registration.  We hope that most families can afford the normal registration fee, which is $225 with a discount for additional players from a family.  If it makes a difference for your family's participation, please feel welcome to choose the discounted registration.  No questions asked.  Full scholarships are also available, for those, please contact the league at

"We're New. Any Tips on the Gear?"

You don't want to miss Gear Swap!  Many of our players can get much of what they need for free from the gear swap.

Gear Swap is coming up on March 26, 2024 at 7 p.m. at the rink at Battle Point Park. 

Here's a handy visual gear guide and FAQ!

You can order your missing pieces at or Amazon also has a number of items that can be sent 2-day via Prime. For those of you who can do it, a single trip to Play It Again Sports in Lynnwood and Elevate Sporting in Tacoma will almost always get you fully geared up with lovingly worn gear at a very reasonable price.

Bainbridge Roller Hockey League requires that players wear the following to both practices and games:

  1. Hockey Helmet, with a protective face cage
  2. Mouth guard
  3. Hockey Elbow Pads
  4. Hockey Shin Guards
  5. Hockey Gloves
  6. Roller Hockey Girdle 
  7. Protective Cup (boys, required) or Pelvic Protector (girls, optional)
  8. In-Line Hockey Pants to fit over the shin guards and girdle
  9. Inline Hockey Skates with softer indoor wheels for new surface 
  10. Wood or composite Hockey Stick, ideally with a composite blade (no plastic blades, please).

Other tips:

  • Lighter colored helmets are cooler under the summer sun. 
  • Ask your dentist if they do free custom sports guards
  • Wheels and bearings wear out, especially on our used gear. If you need help getting  your skates in working order, just ask! 
  • Coaches, board members and veteran families have lots of gear experience and we're happy to help!

Board Repaired - Thanks to BI Parks Foundation and Cogwheel Construction

At the end of the season last year, a rink board failed during an intense D2 Championship Game.  In November, the Bainbridge Island Parks and Trails Foundation funded a new board.  Cogwheel Construction, led by Brandon Keller, one of our D2 coaches, installed the board and it looks great.  Many thanks to BIPTF and Cogwheel Construction!

Thanks to Bainbridge Community Foundation for Funding Our Goalie Creases

A big thanks to Bainbridge Community Foundation for funding the purchase of new red tiles to make permanent goalie creases through their community grants program.  They look great and require no maintenance.

Jersey Distribution

Jerseys will be distributed at your team practice on Wednesday and Thursday.

As a part of this process, the league collects a $45 uniform deposit in the form of a check. These checks are not deposited, but are held until the end of season. If a jersey is not returned at the end of the year, the check will be used to purchase a replacement jersey for next year. When a jersey is returned, you have the option of getting your checks back or donating the money to the league. If possible, please make your deposit with a check.

If you are available to help us manage the chaos, a Sign-Up Genius is here



Hi Roller Hockey Families,

After our awesome players, the best thing about BRHL is the amazing parent and volunteer community.  We are always looking for volunteers to join our board and help the season progress smoothly.  

If you are even a tiny bit interested or know someone else who might be a good fit, let us know at

Although any position can be learned, if you have particular experience/interest in these current areas of need, that would be a plus:

Recruiting/social media

Rink maintenance 

Snack shack coordinator

Gear manager

It's an informal and fun group with the aim of continuing to create a great hockey experience for our kids in service to the mission of the organization.

No news currently found.

Online Game Schedule

(Will be updated in April 2025)

Below is a link to an online calendar with the game and activity schedule.  The calendar page has a "print"  link to create printable versions in different formats.

2025 Important Dates (Work in Progress)

Registration Opens February
Zoom Info Night
7:30 p.m.
April 11
Gear Swap, Battle Point Park
7 p.m.
March 26th
Registration Closes (Soft Closing) April 9

April 16th/17th

Make-Up Evals TBD
Coaches Meeting TBD
Referee Orientation and Training TBD
Team Formation Notification Week of Apr 21
Practice Begins! April 28th
Opening Day!  D1/D2 Scrimmages and D3 Games May 3rd
Games Begin for All Divisions May 11th
Championship Saturday (Celebration/Tournament) Sat June 28
4th of July Parade July 4




Parent Portal

A Great Source of Information for Users of the New Website


Social Media